Efficient watertight and breathing protection

Difbar is a membrane consisting of a special vapour-permeable layer (SD = 0.02 m) heat-sealed between two layers of protective fabrics. Diftbar guarantees exceptional vapour permeability, as well as excellent waterproofing. Diftbar is applied above the insulating material and prevents the formation of condensate. Furthermore, it offers watertight protection against roofing leaks during building works.

Product specifications:
Width150 cm
Length50 cm
Thickness0.8 mm
Longit. resistance230 N / 5cm
Transv. resistance180 N / 5cm
Nail resistance100 N
Long. stretch60 %
Transv. stretch60 %
WDD>946 g/ m2die
Water column res.1500 mm
SD0.02 m